

俚语 yasar


The sexiest lad about. Usually defined as a Turkish person but is so honest. He would kill you if you made fun of his mother or father.
Yasar Is So fucking fit.


Handsome, good-looking, charming man and loves girl whose name is irem.
What a yasar guy.


Handsome, charming, exciting, hot man and who loves i.r.m.
What a yasar.


Yasar is The most amazing girl in the world she is the prettiest girl you will ever see you shouldn't mess with her or your going to get beat up. Yasar is super smart so she will answer any question you have.Yasar always has that smile that lights everything up. She also really kind to others.She has the most beautiful features like her little nose and her cut little uni brow. She is always the girl to make u happy.
Girl 1: OMG that girl is so pretty

Girl 2: I know She must be Yasar she is so popular

Girl 1:Her smile is so cute

Girl 2:Dammmn


noun the cutest guy to exist on this planet
he’s the yasar


boi he so stoopid
bro did u see dat stoopid boi ?
yeah man must be a yasar

Dawood Yasar

Quite a dark skinned person from the Democratic Republic of Congo who thinks he’s the best but is not
Hey what colour is the sky

Oh it’s Dawood Yasar I mean black




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:18:21