

俚语 yatas


Damn fresh yatas Tyrone.


This is what you say after everytime you do something awesome.

Yata in japanese means " I did it!"
Dalles: I just found a cure for cancer!

Kory: Yata!


A response to AITA (am I the asshole) meaning You are the asshole
Someone posts a story where they question if they are in the wrong or not with the AITA. If the answer is yes, you can use YATA


basically a miata, just a shorter word.
Pedestrian: Hey, man. Nice 'yata you got!
Driver: Thanks, man!


a more appropriate, but just as offensive way of calling a black person a nigger

pronounced (yeata)
You are really eating that KFC like a yata.

That fucking yata from Miami intercepted the ball.


In the card game Yu-Gi-Oh, a now-defunct strategy utilizing cards to deplete the opponent's hand and destroy their cards on their side of the field, then use a card named Yatagarasu to attack them, using its effect to prevent the opponent from drawing cards until they are dead. Proved to be overpowering, until Yatagarasu was banned in the Advanced format.
God, I hate Yata-lock decks. Everyone ran them. Thank god for the ban, else they would've killed the game.


Cheapass card used by n00b duelists to win against anybody. Yatas were wonderuflly banned and someday there will be anti-Yata demonstrations.
Pro - "Hey, I'm a pro playing for 5 years, why did I lose?"

N00borz - "I have a yata. Yata-Garasus rule. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:36:16