

俚语 yaught


This is the past-tense of the word yeet!
Get yaught on, inferior memer!


A yaught is when you have a water bottle with water in the bottom of it and a hole on the side for a tube, just like a water bottle bong. The tube has to be the same size as a cigarette. Put the cigarette into the tube and cut a bit off with a razor blade. Take the tube and press the cigarette end onto chopped up weed and pack it down on top of the cigarette. Put the tube with the cigarette and weed into the hole in the bottle. Light the tip of the weed and brew until all of the weed/cigarette is burned. Pull the burnt stuff through into the bottle and take it all in one hit, should give you a crazy head buzz
"Hey man, i only got a tiny bit of weed left, we should go hit yaughts"


The superior paste tense version of yeet
Normie: I yote on those haters
Me: I yaught on those haters


The only correct past tense of yeet
"Yo he just yaught that into the fucking stratosphere"

Yaught Squat

The act of being a squatteron a Yaught
Come on over to my new home. I'm a yaught squatter in Newport Beach!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:30:54