

俚语 bloody rag

bloody rag

A bloody rag originates from when women wore a rag, similar to a cloth diaper, with strings to tie it around their waste, during that bloody time of the month. The most modern form would be a maxi-pad, but not a tampon, even though some refer to tampons as rags.
She threw that bloody rag in the toilet, and expected it to flush? Where's my plunger, the dumb bitch!

bloody cunt rag

An insult created by my friends and myself after discussing and coming to the conclusion that almost all insults currently in use have been over-used and become trite and meaningless. The term bloody cunt rag should only be used as a last resort, an extreme last resort, and when it is truly deserved to in order to preserve its true meaning.
You're more disgusting than a bloody cunt rag.

Bloody Cunt Rag

Derogatory phrase used to emphasize the bloodiness of one's cunt rag.
Shift it, ya bloody cunt rag!

bloody red-rag queef

A insult commonly used in a name calling competition meaning the accused is of the desent of a rag which has been defiled with a chunky bleeding red substance aquired from a queef
Rosie is a bloody red-rag queef




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