

俚语 yeah son!

yeah son!

Term coined by the notorious DJ Avery. Can be used in any situation, usually to convey approval. Emphasis on the "Son" is key.
Person 1: "So whats the deal, you headin' down to Dubbage tonight?"

Person 2: "Yeah son!!"

yeah son

and exclamation made as one does something, especially something awesome, not necessarily good though

it may also have the variation Yeah Sonny Son
"Dude I finally asked that girl out"
"Yeah Son!"

"Damn that stuff smells hella bad"

Yeah Son

A term used in greetings, encouragement, agreement, or congratulations to homeboy. It is a friendly term and used for fraternal inclusion.
"We'll be there soon." reply "Yeah son!"

"I smashed last night." reply "Yeah son!"

yeah son ehh

made famous by the snowboarder JP walker. can use it at the end of any sentance that talks about something ill
im gonna go pick up some honnies at the beach. yeah son ehh




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