

俚语 yeetus that fetus

yeetus that fetus

to perform an abortion
Guy 1: My girl got pregnant! What do I do?
Guy 2: Tell her to yeetus that fetus!

yeetus that fetus

When a baby is annoying, you throw the baby.
Jasmine's baby is so annoying, so I decided to yeetus that fetus.

yeetus that fetus

a reference to abortion.
time to yeetus that fetus!

yeetus that fetus

a phrase used in random scenarios
someone: talking random shit u don't care about
me: yeetus that fetus

Yeetus the fetus

A phrase meaning get an abortion
“Yeetus the fetus!”

Yeetus the Fetus

The action of throwing a young child or fetus.

To get an abortion
Timmy: My girlfriend just told me she’s pregnant

Kelvin: Tell her to yeetus the fetus

Yeetus The Fetus

A holy being that rules all. Praise thy Fetus.
Remember, Yeetus The Fetus love you.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:00:27