

俚语 yellow snow

Yellow Snow

Snow that has been urinated in
Billy urinated in the snow and it turned yellow

Yellow Snow

The snow that you arn't supposed to eat.
"Don't eat the yellow snow Jimmy"

Yellow Snow

It’s where the huskies go. Rubbing it causes blindness to fur trappers
Watch out where the huskies go, and don’t you eat that yellow snow.

Yellow Snow

What i eat to put hair on my chest. (Has not worked yet)
Just this morning I went outside and made me a yellow snowcone.

Yellow Snow

(vb) When a girl really likes a guy so much that she will do anything with him including him jizzing and then urinating on her.

(Noun): Urine mixed with jizz
Example 1
Girl: OMG I just need you. I will let you yellow snow all over my face.
Guy: I just want to be friends.

Example 2:
Guy: I was masturbating but then suddenly had to go pee. I ended up having yellow snow all over my walls.

Yellow Snow

When a man pisses while cumming
"MMMM, yaaass baby, gimme that yellow snow!"

Yellow Snow

A code phrase used when someone is lying and everyone else around them knows it. Typically used around kids named Alex.
Alex(Bad skiier): Yo I just sent a 360 off a massive ski jump.

Brad: I think I see some yellow snow
Ethan: Yea there’s yellow snow everywhere.




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