

俚语 blooples


Made a mistake that was really really stupid.
Me: I made a bloody bloople today in front of Jessica.
Random Guy: Haha noob.


The word Blooples is an onomatopoeia for diarrhea. The word was coined in the satirical blog - Human Making and Beyond.
"Diarrhea, in all actuality, is a pretty word. Why give such a pretty name to something so horrible? I think we need a new name for it. Something more raw. Something that signals what it really is. The worst day ever. I was thinking of something along the lines of "assplosion" but that isn't classy enough. The word needs to signify the quivering, gurgling, pain and angst that we all know, while simultaneously seeming harmless. A little old lady needs to be able to use this word as well. Perhaps it should just be called "the uh-ohs" because that's exactly what you think when you feel the first bits of stomach pain to signal what's to come. I think that's a much more apt title, although I really wanted to make up some sweet word that might eventually catch on. Something like, "I've got a bad case of the blooples." Blooples= sound diarrhea makes. Nobody ever said I was classy." - Human Making and Beyond.

Ear Bloople

The squishy thing on the end of your ear buds.
Alyssa told me " I lost your ear bloople" And so I destroyed her bookbag to find my ear bloople .


(n.) a sturdy punch in the taint
Zack begged Rae for a bloople.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:28:53