

俚语 yipping


Referencing to a notably dishonest businessman. To be dishonest, deceitful or untrustworthy.
Are you Yipping me?

yip yip

what aang says to appa to get him to fly
appa, yip yip

yip yip

A word use to 'leave' or 'exit' a scene or a place. Also means 'let's go' referenced after the TV show 'Avatar', Ang used this word to tell his bison to depart on their journey.
"Alright yip yip its time to go to the gym!

The Yips

a sudden and unexplained loss of skills in experienced athletes. Some credit the yips to a loss of fine motor skills; others consider the condition to be primarily psychological, however it is poorly understood and has no known treatment or therapy. Athletes affected by the yips sometimes recover their ability, which may require a change in technique. Many are forced to abandon their sport at the highest level.
Did you see Jon Lester has the Yips? Yeah he can’t throw to first base.


The act of being really high on cocaine.
Yo man I'm so yipped, lets go buy a hat.


The "yips" is a set of conditions associated with having your nerves badly rattled. Can affect the performance of athletes and in the case of combat veterans is a symptom of PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
1) I got the yips and bogeyed the rest of the holes.

2) My post military career prospects aren't looking so good with a bad case of the combat yips and and drinking myself to sleep every night.


Over Thinking Something So Much You Become Unable To do It. You Than Will Often Proceed To Implode.

Happens When Hitting On Girls

Making Game Winning Goals
Making Public Speeches
I Was At A Victoria's Secret Fashion Show And i Got The Yips, I Couldn't Hit On A Girl All Night.

Joe Got The Yips And Lost Us The State Title When He Missed That Field Goal.




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