

俚语 yobes


Female breasts, usually nice ones.
Check out the yobes on Sarah.


Literally: You Oughta Be Eaten. Used as an insult
"I hate you! YOBE!"


Yeet is for distance and Kobe is for accuracy. Yobi you go for both distance and accuracy.
I yell "Yobe!!" When I accurately threw my full court shot.


To throw something with force and accuracy
Justin: I'm having trouble making a half court shot.

Kevin: Just yell "yobe" when you throw. Works for me all the time.

Justin proceeds to throw 13 half-court shots in a row using this newfound knowledge.


Function: various, slang
Etymology: Middle English; yo, be, interjections
Date: 20th century, Aug 5th, 2010 copyright Brian Dodd

— Used especially to call out something that has general likeness to other things a person really likes or has affinities for in general. Cool or to be cool but not in a material or insignificant manner. Superior excellence or awe-some. An attitude of affinity or feeling of awesomeness or enjoyment of something or someone especially involved in film or movies or acting, but can be generalized for anything or anyone.

Same in all forms and inflected forms as noun, adjective, verb, or other transits.

From interjected words yo and be (from Websters Dictionary definitions); the term be primarily meaning "equal value to or having existence or comparison" and yo meaning "to call someone's attention or to make an expression". Similar to good use or positive term or use of the slang word 'brodey' or 'brodee'.

Wut up, yobe?!?

That filmmaker's new movie is mad yobe, with its great dialogue and plot.


If someone is being dumb, silly, crazy, immature, or lame, you call them a "yobe".
Person 1: Hey hey I got a joke, why did the banana cross the road? Because it wanted to.

Person 2: You're such a yobe.

yobe method

the art of absolute methodry in the swiping world; bussin them gens like crazy; using a woman for sexual pleasure and/or her credit card information; seducing a woman with ease
Pachec: “Just green lighted the yobe method”
Lim: “Oh really bro? what’d u cop?”

Mack: “yeoooo that shorty really got hit with the yobe method!”
Yobe: nahhh watchu on son!




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