

俚语 yolking


the act of deliberately wasting time while having other important responsibilities; most specifically related to academic obligations.
example #1- I have a midterm tomorrow but I'm just yolking.

example #2- I am a college student; yolkin' is my major.


Like joking around if you're an egg.
Person 1:"Shut up!"
Person 2:*shuts up*
Person 1:"Hey I didn't mean it i was just yolking around cause I'm an egg."


Yolking- the act of using sarcasm or obviously lying as a sense of humor
When Wes asked John if we had school on Wednesday John responded by saying “no we are going ostrich belly bouncing” but in turn he was just Yolking Wes’ eggs


To be in a state of extreme muscular fitness. Derived from either the word "yoke", a wooden beam placed between two testosterone -filled oxen to allow them to pull massive loads OR "yolk", the yellow, protein-filled center of an egg often used as part of the diet to arrive at supreme muscular fitness.
I heard that a lot of yolked bros are switching to organic muscle milk.


Being muscular cut
LL was hella yolked in SWAT.


to work out extremely hard and get massive muscles
Dude were getting fucking yolked today at the gym.


To grow your body to massive porportions.
Dude!!!, that fucker is yolked, he must be on roids!!




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