When everyone shuts the hell up and yolo's quietly.
Finally, some yolonation so I can sleep!
To "yolo" by one's self.
No one is trying to turn up. I guess I'll yolone.
YOLON: You Only Live Once Nigga. Basically it is YOLO but nigga at the end. Usually used by suburban rebels trying to be black or gangster.
Preppy 11th grader who thinks he's cool: Yo G Imma jump off this balcony, because Yolon!
Nerdy 9th grader: Wow he's so awesome because he said You Only Live Once Nigga!!!
Nerdy 9th grader: Wow he's so awesome because he said You Only Live Once Nigga!!!
You only live once... nerd style. It's like YOLO for nerds. It's cool. enough said.
I just spent 9 hours in a BOE meeting. #YOLONS