

俚语 yolo swaggings

yolo swaggings

A term commonly in the area of DENTROIT (denton as the classier people call it) to reference a short ass white nigga wanna be who looks like bilbo baggings in a jumpsuit
Callum you are looking so yolo swaggings

Yolo swag

Meaning you only live once, so be swag
When you’ve done something risky.

“Shouldn’t of done that; oh well yolo swag”

Yolo Swag

A stupid person who hashtags and says they are 'swaggy'
"Omgf im so yolo innit and also Im sosososososos swaggerlisious Yolo Swag for evs #YOLOSWAG

Yolo Swag

A popular saying of kids in 2012.
"Just listened to the new Skrillex album, yolo swag bro."

yolo swag

yolo swag is the swaggiest of swag on planet yeet but it’s just as good in this bootyhole of a planet too 🤠
i skipped school haha yolo swag

Yolo swag group

A small sophisticated group of men. You are very fortunate if you get accepted to the Yolo swag group
"I was planning on applying to the Yolo swag group, but I am not Yolo swag worthy"

Yolo Swag King

Yolo Swag King is the right had man of Bro Shizxl, actually he is made of sand that morphed into a human in the year 934 AD. He was the first to join Bro Shizxl's gang of thugs club, because gangs aren't aloud. When Bro Shizxl became president of China, Yolo Swag King was named President of United States of America around 1524. Yolo Swag King is the second best rapper in the world especially when it comes to freestyles, here is a lyric from one of his raps, Had like 37 dogs killed em all put em in logs now thats where I take my dumps right over there in those tree trunks. He is the Bro Shizxl gang of thugs club representative at the gang club assembly. At one point Yolo Swag King generated powers and could become a horse for some reason.
Yolo Swag King is legit epic.
Yolo Swag King's new album is straight fire.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:47:44