You fucked up mate
What your average chav/brit says after his pal did something retarded, caused himself some trouble, or is about to get his ass kicked because he said some dumb shit.
American translation: "You dun goof'd"
American translation: "You dun goof'd"
Gavino: "Fuck your mother you petty lil twat!"
Chav: "You fucked up mate. I'm going to kick your cheeky lil cunt so hard i swear on my mum's life."
Mark: "I just got a 300 pound fine for parking in the wrong spot!!!"
Chav: "You fucked up mate."
Chav: "You fucked up mate. I'm going to kick your cheeky lil cunt so hard i swear on my mum's life."
Mark: "I just got a 300 pound fine for parking in the wrong spot!!!"
Chav: "You fucked up mate."