

俚语 blowin me

blowin me

The phrase you use when you can't beieve what someone hs just said/done.
I can't believe you just said that to her, your blowin me man!

blowin me

to get pissed off
your blowin me!

blowin me

Gettin on mah nervous, u juss mad me mad
These hoes up here blowin the fuck out me
sandy:Gurl u need to buy some new shoe
Jadara:Bitch u just blew me, how u gonna say dat in front of everybody.you be blowin me

you be blowin me

Blowin/blows--when someone or somthings makes you mad, pissed off, or angry because of their actions or stupidity. That person/thing is blowin you...commonly heard in the D.C./metro area
"Lindsey Lohan's stupidity be blowin me".."You be blowin me" or "Thats the type of shit that be blowin me"




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