You're so dog water my guy
You're so dog water my guy - Meaning you are insanely bad at the legendary game fornite
Fornite kid: Omg dude you're so dog water my guy you have 0pr 0placements send me your fornite tracker dude you're so trash dude like i'll wager u right now and crank 90s on you like jesus my guy
You're Dog
(gamer slang)
Worse of the worst at gaming. So bad it is comical. You're Dog!
Invented from Frohsted
Worse of the worst at gaming. So bad it is comical. You're Dog!
Invented from Frohsted
When you're dog, You're Dog!
That boy hot dog.
Hot dog water.
No water just dog.
I hear a lot of barking, because hes dog. give him a chewtoy.
That boy hot dog.
Hot dog water.
No water just dog.
I hear a lot of barking, because hes dog. give him a chewtoy.