

俚语 you’re not wrong

You’re not wrong

The other definitions are not wrong ;) but there is another use. “You’re not wrong” can also be strong agreement. It can indicate that the speaker is surprised by the statement being agreed with. I can imagine a non English speaker would be driven nuts by the fact that this phrase can mean anything between you’re not really right, and you are really right! It’s the intonation, stress, and speed that makes the difference. It would be wildly difficult to explain in a space like this. It in writing, the latter is sometimes indicated with an exclamation point.
My sister had told me she could tell when I am thinking in German and make an effort to speak in English. I had never noticed this (it’s been 25 years since I left Germany so this surprised me). Me: “you’re not wrong!”

Me to husband: “She’s not wrong!”

you’re not wrong

1. What you’re saying is correct, but you (a) don’t have a comprehensive grasp of this situation or (b) don’t have all the data.

2. I can’t refute your point, but I am not yet willing to concede.
You: “The economy is roaring under President Trump.”

Me: “You’re not wrong . . . ”

You’re doin’ it wrong

Four simple words, similar in usage to the phrase, “That’s what she said,” but with an opposite meaning. It is used to point out the unrealised sexual innuendo in a previously innocent statement.

The term was derived from pointing out the sexual abnormalities of a friend’s sex life. When the person shared information the repeated advice was, “You’re doin’ it wrong.”
When a man is eating a banana, he should never look another man in the eye or comment on the size or quality of the banana.

What if you’ve snapped the banana in half?

Fuck dude, you’re doin’ it WRONG!

You’re thinking about it wrong

Ohohoho! Am I!? And what way is that?
The guy that Dr. JeepJorp says should be telling us what to do “It doesn’t matter that they’re being exploited and killings themselves. They don’t need to by the seeds. They don’t need to succeed. They don’t need to NOT be exploited. Shit, they don’t even need to live, my guy!”

An asshole but not a charlatan “Put isn’t there a better way? You know without all the exploitation.”

That other guy “You’re thinking about it wrong.”

Asshole “You mean.... with compassion for the people who are being exploited and killing themselves?”

The other guy (again) “Yes. That is LITERALLY exactly what I meant.”

Hym “WOW!!! Do you see what I’m talking about with these guys Joe? Like.... what the actual fuck WAS that!?”

Well you’re not fucking wrong, Mel.

When someone says something blatnetly obvious.
“I know you’ve quit and don’t really care but..”
-Well you’re not fucking wrong, Mel.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:36:18