Yug is a god and a supppperrr sexy beast. He always gets the girls without trying. He studies to make mommy proud otherwise he will get chapal. In addition, he is terribly good at sports.
Yug is the guy I want to be no cap.
a Gujarati/Indian name for a male which represents time/era.
His name is Yug! His name represents time/era which is significant to this world since everything occurs with time.
he looks beautiful and dumb
hello my friend looks Yug
(Exclamation) What might be an explicative shouted out during strange, kinky sex; an every day interjection utilized best during moments of tension in conversation, or just randomly blurted out in a funny voice to provide some humor in those all too common awkwardly long silences.
Dude: Yeah? Is that the right spot?
Man 1:* Is having a vague conversation with someone*
Man 2: *Randomly says yug*
Man 1:* Is having a vague conversation with someone*
Man 2: *Randomly says yug*
to rapidly drink any beverage, most commonly beer. Can be used to describe the chugging of a single beer or the act of binge drinking all night.
Example 1: Wow, Dan just yugged that whole beer in 4 seconds.
Example 2: I have no work to do tonight so i think im just gonna yug.
Example 2: I have no work to do tonight so i think im just gonna yug.
This word literally means the sex god he will steal ur girlfriend before u know and it's gone, girls drop their panties just by having a glace of his sexy good looks he's a panty destroyer, he's also the most sexy sigma gigachad alive on this planet (nhi mante mat man maa chuda)
Yug ripped every girls pantie off
a short kid who always is salty when he loses a game of basketball
dont ever be a yug