

俚语 blow you in

blow you in

If you catch someone doing an action they are not supposed to be doing and you tell someone else to get them in trouble.

Telling on a person when they have done something they are not supposed to do.

To tell on someone.
A boy is about to take $10 from his mother's purse. His sister walks in and says, "If you take mom's money I'm going to blow you in!"

i'll blow you

When you want a blowjob
I'll blow you if you let me have this ticket

blow you up

while someone is doing ecstasy, people will get nasal vaporub things and blow it on your face and in your eyes, causing the individual to become refreshed, and energized to continue dancing and feeling good. People also sniff vaporub by sticking it up their nostrils or getting a tub of it and spreading it on a surgical mask.
"yo, brotha, you look tired. lemme blow you up."

blow you out

when someone says something stupid to you, like a dumb comment, you say your gonna blow them out, make fun of them
Rae: That's corkey Kasey: I'm gonna blow you out

I'll blow you

When you blow air on a mans face
I'll blow you if you rub my feet.
(Man thinking you will give him a blow job

blow you to kingdom cum

Once you see it, you can't unsee it
She said, "I'll blow you to kingdom cum"

you blow

just another way to say you suck. When people are annoying you or getting you mad or even if you had plans to do things with someone and all of a sudden they cant, you respond with "You Blow".
Gosh you blow!

"Are we still going to the movies this weekend?" - boy
"No I can't. My mom won't let me out." - girl
"Damn you & your mom blow" - boy




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:55:01