

俚语 blttbte


A sandwhich consisting of four half-slices of bacon, two medium sized pieces of lettuce, one tomato slice horizontally cut from the near center of a tomato, two slices of bread, toasted at the one-and-one-half setting of any given toaster, and a cup of any form of tea which may be considered relatively plain. Hence the name: BaconLettuceTomatoandToastedbreadandTea sandwhich, or BLTTbTe.

It also known by a few other names which reference its status as a supreme divine constant amongst the religion of whoever should make it in accordance with the guidelines hidden in every religious text to ever be written.
Waitress: Welcome to American Cafe Sir, how may I take your order?
Sir: I'll have a BLTTbTe
Waitress: Very well, one moment...

*One quarter-hour later*

Waitress: Here you are, Sir.

The Waitress reveals a platter of divine light before the eyes of Sir, and the heavens part a-new upon the truth which was once revealed in His book. With the strength of will which is only granted to a true holder of the title "Waiting Staff" the Waitress lays the platter upon the table, as a multitude of Seraphims descend to sing praise and glorify that which is, was, and always will be eternal. Sir, along with everyone in a roughly seven kilometer radius of American Cafe, was blinded by the angels which surrounded the establishment. In this light the true form of the truest object would be revealed, and it was that of the perfect sandwhich- nay, the perfect meal.




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