

俚语 zakye


Real ass nigga. Very loyal and will never leave anyone’s side, a true don. Wouldn’t wanna cross someone named Zakye
I saw zakye the other day, what a great guy


Zakye is one of the best people you could be around is very strong mentally physically and emotionally, and he is so sexy. He doesn’t do a lot of talking but will speak up for himself, he earns a lot of money and spends it right after. Although he can be mean at times he is the best friend you will have, he is loyal and honest and he loves to eat peas
Zakye is so sexy.
Zakye is mean


Loves to eat chicken and they always love thus girl name My'Angel They are in love that girl and there bestfriend name is Janyia Ang she loves to smoke and so goes out with nuskiii and they love to fight and they beat everybody up.
Zakye is always in something




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:17:55