

俚语 zalee


Very Athletic; Smart, Usually Doesn’t like being wrong, but is sweet when you get to know her. She probably doesn’t have pets, so she will be obsessed with yours
Jake: That’s the Volleyball girl

Clare: Ya! Zalee


He's incredible, strong, sweet, funny, and I could go on and on. He's that type of guy who would light up the room when he walks in , the type of guy you would wanna be around 24/7, He's the most funnest person you will ever meet and put you before him. Every time you talk to him you would never wanna go.
person 1- Oh look there's Zale this is going to be a good day
person 2- Well obviously


a really cute guy that has an amazing and funny personality. he likes to show you memes every 2 seconds and when he isn’t, he’s normally giving someone a hug. when you meet him, you’ll know instantly you can trust him. that curly hair and cute dimples can fool anyone :)
holy shit is that zale?

fuck yeah it is

zale:*hugs random stranger*


cigarette. Commonly used in kenyan slang.
Man jeegs lets have a Zale!


ANNOYING AS SHIT; Moose; usually when referring to Zale's, you are referring to their lack of "swag"
Person 1: You see that person over there being a Zale?
Person 2: Hell yeah, that nigga is whack!


tis a zalay, no more no less
Zalay is in existance

Mackenzie Zales

Head Cheerleader, Homecoming Queen, Part Time Model.
Deandra: Who the fuck are you?

Trisha: She's Mackenzie Zales! Duh! Head Cheerleader, Homecoming Queen, Part Time Model!




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更新时间:2024/6/3 11:48:59