Zaneism; Noun; The religous, cult-like practice of worship to a number of gods. The most important being Zane, the titan among the rest of the gods. Zaneism is followed by queers and anarchists alike.
Person 1- yeah im a Zaneist
Person 2- what the fuck is that?
Person 1- I follow Zaneism, it's my religion.
Person 2- Ohhhhhh, that guy from tiktok?
(Follow _insertuserhere_ on tiktok, twitch, and spotify guys)
Person 2- what the fuck is that?
Person 1- I follow Zaneism, it's my religion.
Person 2- Ohhhhhh, that guy from tiktok?
(Follow _insertuserhere_ on tiktok, twitch, and spotify guys)