

俚语 zaq


usually a positive person and hard to get mad, Also extremely confident in anything. If you happen to meet a zaq try to keep them in your life as their positivity will spread into your life
TBH zaq really helped me out without knowing, he's really kind hearted


when your are very bored in class


When you search this, it means that you have been COMPLETELY engulfed by boredom that you have invented the most complicated combinations of typing key letters, INCLUDING NUMBERS.

if you try typing this phrase you will get what I mean.
me:*types zaq`/'\\=xsw1.;-cde2,l0vfr3mkp9bgt4njo8hy5u76*
others: This guy has to have 250 iq.

everyone:*stares dumbfoundedly*


a secret code you write when you are extremely bored by going through the keyboard from the bottom to the top diagonally
bruh u'm so bore imma write zaq`xsw1cde2vfr3bgt4nhy5mju6,ki7.lo8/;p9'0-\\= on google


when you are so bored that you try out all kinds of different patterns in wich you can hit the keys on your keyboard just so you can read in the definition that you're bored
I'm so bored. Lemme hit the keys on my keyboard in different patterns. Let's try ~zaq!xsw@cde#vfr$bgt%nhy^mju&<ki*>lo(?:p)"{_}+|


wow you must be extremely bored, or almost as bored as I am to make this in class
|}+"{_?:P)>LO(<KI*MJU&NHY^BGT%VFR$CDE#XSW@ZAQ!~\\='-/;p0.lo9,ki8mju7nhy6bgt5vfr4cde3xsw2zaq1` is peak boredem


It's me again, here with another keyboard amalgamation. this one is made by going from top left to bottom left for one column, then top right to bottom right on the opposite side of the keyboard, then again backwards
Me: God I just wanna `\\1qaz'/2wsx=;.3edc-pl,4rfv0okm5tgb9ijn6yh8u7&U*HY^NNJI(BGT%MMMKO)VFR$<LP_CDE#>:{+XSW@?"}ZAQ!|~
Random person walking down the street: What the Fuck?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:35:04