

俚语 zeche


Tall, blonde Bishounen, who is from Gundam Wing...is also known as Millardo Peacecraft of the Peacecraft family. Wanting to take back his birthright to the kingdom of Sanq he takes on the persona of Zechs Merquise.
I wish I were as handsom as Zechs.


A word used to describe the ultimate in cool. A wonderful nonchalence. Best used to describe someone who moves like a gazelle and looks like Apollo.
You have a graceful air about you, it's quite Zech. It's nice.


A small skinny white boy who looks Mexican with dyslexia who constantly lies and backstabs his friends
omg did u hear how Zech backstabbed his friend last week


life, energy, beans, zest, youthfulness, happy.
"you have zech" would be a way to use this word.


Omega Chad with a penis the size of Saturn, beware of this man he will steal your bitch
Zech is so hot


Man who eats boneless pizza on the daily and thinks that a sedan can pick up more chicks than a white van
Man: Theres no way ur van can pick up more chicks than my sedan
Zech: you gotta be yankin my dick off cuz thats ridiculous. Aye lemme get a boneless pissa with a two liter a coke


1. A promiscuous, egotistical whore.

2. The most likely person in a group of friends to get an std.

3. A person who just missed out on gods gift of height.
1. Did you see that Zech? He got with like 7 chicks at the party last night.

2. Dude careful with that Zech, probably crawling with nasty infections.

3. I feel sorry for that Zech, don't you? Nah, he's a fucking midget.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:18:22