

俚语 zejia


Someone who is shy at Times but overcome it with the ones she love. Zejia is a person who has a different perspective and view on life that many don’t understand. She work hard in every way. LETS NOT FORGET SHE SO FREAKING PRETTY, IF YOU NOT WITH ZEJIA THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!
Zejia so FINE

I need a Zejia

If not her wyd?


Everyone needs a Zejia in there lives. Zejia a person who is very unproblematic, doesn’t depend on nobody but herself, stays to herself a lot and very wise. Zejia is the girl whom anyone could go to for the best advice. She’s gonna be real no matter what and say whatever she feels is right even if u don’t wanna hear it. She’s very quiet, nice, nonchalant and shy but once u get to know her she’s a crackhead and very fun to hang around . Having a Zejia in your life may be the best decision you ever made in ur life.
Zejia is a blessing.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:34:02