

俚语 zelie's


Usually, a short girl who is very pretty and smart. Zelie's are so smart they may even intimidate the people around them with their brilliance. However, Zelie's worry too much about what other people think and tend to be more on the introverted side. To get a Zelie's attention, offer her free makeup, food, or a good book.
Guy 1: hey are you free tonight?

Guy 2: no sorry, I'm going on a date with Zelie
Guy 1: oh shit bro, you must have done something real good to land yourself a Zelie


Zelie is a spunky girl with serious daddy Issues and a complex world view. Zelie can be very nice when she wants to but she can also be very petty and cruel. She loves music and other arts and is probably pretty creative. Zelie gets a kick out of being bad and might come across as bossy when she really would rather get bossed around. Zelie’s give off big gay energy and prefers strong women and men who tell her what to do when it comes to the bedroom though at heart Zelie is a switch. Zelie has separation anxiety and never forgets to tell you how much you mean to her. If you get a Zelie you should hold on tight because you won’t find many.
Party goer A: “Did you see the way Zelie grinned when Alexa wrapped a hand around her throat?”
Party goer B: “Yeah, who woulda known someone as punk-rock as her would be so into that.”


Someone who believes they're always objectively right without considering the other party's truth. Works to erase proof of the other party's truth and removes anyone who opposes their agenda. Also gaslights others into believing they're in the wrong.

They were mostly taught in their childhood that they're always objectively right.
blice: oh oh Kelis is banning mippy without any reason. We must hold him accountable
kamie: you're right blice! but where is Kelis. We should post some proof of what he did.

Proof is posted

Kelis: I don't know what you're talking about, we don't want that kind of behavior here.

Kelis proceeds to delete all proof and another moderator Feiserchan chimes in and called mippy insane

blice: Damn you Kelis! You're a fu**ing Zelis.

blice and kamie leave the conversation!


Beautiful Girl
Zeli is such a beautiful girl (commonly used for pets)




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:49:56