A one of a kinda B.A.N.K (Bad Ass Ninja Knight), who's morals consist of Honor, Chivalry, and dedication especially to his Soul Mate, tends to be very emotional, and more than likely Bipolar type 2, Is an amazing friend with outstanding personality and jacked so don't mess with his friends or especially his family, because if he shows up he will be insulted for the extreme disappointment of boredom from pussy's backing down. always trains in a vast amount of martial arts,including weapons training. absolutely loves and believes in dragons, and is very spiritual! has too many unfinished tattoo's , when people are introduced to a Zelphias they are stunned immediately followed by a " i wont remember that!" Zel is a perfectly fine shortened version of his name, while also easily remembered! If ever a Zelphias becomes angered and it is clearly not his fault man up and talk about it with him man to man, because if one persists to challenge a Zel, the best thing to do is put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye!!
Friend # 1 - Dude did you see that?!?
Friend # 2 - Hell yeah! Zelphias just did a back flip in the mosh pit during 5FDP!!
Soul Mate - That's my man XP!!
Friend # 2 - Hell yeah! Zelphias just did a back flip in the mosh pit during 5FDP!!
Soul Mate - That's my man XP!!