zerkel theorem
its the definition of anything you cant define. it always works!
if you dont know the awnser to a question or your trying to give someone a reason...just say it fallows the zerkel theorem.
Peter Zerkel
Of, or pertaining to, a person of quite, calm, meditative, reflecive, or comatose composure; acting as such during all times of the day and night, except when playing music, or after having eaten a truck-load of sugar.
"Rick is being such a Peter Zerkel today! Normally he's louder than the entire band playing Fireworks. Dude. Whoa."
The word zerkel if of Jewish background. The word itself is an adjective. A Zerkel is a person who thinks they are the shit when I’m fact they are not. To add, said person suddenly comes to believe that they are meant for bigger and better things when this person is unfriended by somebody.
Jesus she’s such a zerkel
Peter Zerkel
The man, who invented light bulbs and the vibrator. He made millions.
I'm gonna be as rich as Peter Zerkel!