

俚语 ziekirriah


She is short sexy talented and smart. when she knows her best friend is hurt she is determined to find out who and confront them. She hangs out with certain people. She thinks she is a badass and knows everything. She is very a very amazing friend and very attractive. If you have a ZieKirriah keep her bc once you lose her you may never get her back. She is always gonna have her friends back no matter what. And she is very loving but make her mad enough she will get very mean.
Ania: ZieKirriah is an amazing friend
Zy: And she is very attractive


ZieKirriah is a talented smart girl. She very short but has a lot of mouth and she thinks she runs everything. She doesn't take "NO" for an answerShe is very sexy but she thinks she is ugly. She doesn't date a boy on how they look she dates them on how they make her feel. She has smile that lights up the room. Boys are always looking at her. She will anyone who hurts her best friend. She is not friends with many people because she scared they will hurt her. If your close to a Kira keep her because you won't have another one. She is over protective and doesn't care about what people think of her she keeps being her. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. She is amazing in every way possible. She can make you laugh when you sad. She is a goofballand a amazing friend.
Dan: hey did you meet the new girl ZieKirriah
Ricky: yeah she is sexy and amazing




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:41:00