

俚语 zight


A chill acknowledgment or agreement of understanding between two people following some kind of misunderstanding and putting any ill feelings to rest.

GenZ slang for its alright.
A: Why you talkin’ to my lady like that?!
B: Ahh man, I didn’t know that was your girl?! My bad, bro. We, cool?
A: Zight.
B: Zight


The feeling of satisfaction and contentedness after taking a MASSIVE shit...
ive just had massive shit and feel zight


A dick fart. A man queef.
A:Man, I think air just came out of my dong...

B:Dude, you just threw a zight!


(noun): the lowest form of of the feeling “alright.” Being the lowest form due to it being at the end of the alphabet.
Guy 1: “Hey man, how are you doing?”
Guy 2: “Zight...”
Guy1: “Oh... really? Only Zight?”
Guy 2: “Yeah, it was a rough day.”
Guy 1: “Sorry to hear that.”


Being determined to do something without any practical reason
Gregory’s zight is what made him be in the polic department at 3 am




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:50:48