

俚语 zingles


A tasty snack comprised of a Zinger (usually chocolate) sandwiched between two Pringles (usually plain).
As in the Whyt Cheddah song "Illspot"... 'Grab a Pringle, grab a Zinger, make a Zingle. You know you're f****d up when your fingers tingle.'


1)A hit of marijuana through a one hitter device carved from a soft stone such as onyx or marble.
2)A very flow through hit of marijuana .
1)Hey, I'll trade you a Zingle for a chewy bar.
2)That zingle really knocked me on my ass.


A made-up drug that does not exist.It is usually an ingredient for a cocktails or an alcoholic drink
E.g, "I want to smoke some Zingls tonight".


a big big slur, |
pls no say <3 heart emoticon
'look at this zingle right here'
'bro thats racist dont say that'
'you're saying thatg because you're a zinglet, go away'


The feeling of intense vibration moving from your feet to your head when under the effects of Marijuana.
“Not now man, I got some heavy zingles right now.”

zingle snatch

a female who consistently pulls her vagina out in social gatherings.
this female has no concern to others desires, as she carries her dirty foot long dildo in her right hand.
Jony: hey dude, whats the smell?
bob : its that stupid zingle snatch over there
Jony: what is a zingle snatch bob?
bob: that bitch sticking that huge dildo in her stinky pussy,

jony: isnt that a little innappropriate?
bob : not for a zingle snatch




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:26:47