

俚语 blue monkey

blue monkey

in the wenter if you blow your nose on a dirty snot rag, useing the same one all year. when you pull it out of the top right or top left pocket and drop it on hte ground, you call that a blue monkey
i found a blue monkey in my boy friends pocket yester day... EEEEW

blue butt monkey

While fucking your partner in the ass you reach up and start choking them until they turn blue. Then you cum on there face.
Last night I gave her a blue butt monkey because she talked back to me.

blue scanky scandinavan monkey

a monkey that is scanky and is blue and is from scaninavian and lives on colfax.
Look at that blue scanky scandinavan mokey. Its sexy.

Blue headed molestation monkey

to refer to someone as a morally bankrupt, corrupt and sexually exploitative individual under a facade of being morally sound and generous to those who are weaker and in need; used to describe someone who is a member of the UN peacekeepers
I can't Steven became a UN peacekeeper and raped a 13 year old girl in that third world country, fuckin 'blue headed molestation monkey'.




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