

俚语 zombie fuck

Zombie Fuck

To preform any sexual practice on somebody until they are just laying there completely imobile, but still alive.
Anna is so going to zombie fuck her boyfriend tonight.

zombie fuck

Noun. A girl who does nothing during sex.
"Sex with Jenny was like having sex with a dead girl."
"Bummer, she was a zombie fuck, huh?"

zombie fucking

To have sex with a zombie
Kind of like necrophilia but with an animated member of the undead.
Belladonna took a big rotting zombie dick up her ass.

zombie fuck

Having sex with a dead person.

Usually known as Necrophilia.
Bob: Dude shes so good!
Bob: OH GOD!!!!

Zombie Fucking

When two people have sex while still being asleep.
I think Jill and I were Zombie Fucking last night but i cant remember.

zombie pig fuck

when you and a fat girl both take flakka/krokodil and have a 2 hour mindless sec session
liam: me and debbie had a 2 hour long zombie pig fuck

gavin: i wish my gf would do the same

kraig: i thought that’s how jewish people had sex

Fuck Zombie

1) To have sex with someone while you are still half asleep, normally by waking in the middle of the night, instantaneously in the mood.

2) To wake up in the middle of the night, roll over in the bed, and automatically to begin to bang the person in bed with you, while still in the haze of just awakening.
Girlfriend/Wife: Last night was amazing. You just rolled over and starting banging me like crazy!

Boyfriend/Husband: I dont know what happened, I Just kinda awoke from a daze and I was fucking you!

Girlfriend/Wife: You were a fuck zombie!




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