

俚语 blue pancakes

Blue Pancake

A blue pancake is a serious case of blue waffle of the anus. It has also been referred to as the blue-eyed monster due to the ring of blue around the dark open anus.
Yo, I thought blue waffle was bad, then I saw this chick with the blue pancake...DAYUM!!!!

Blue Pancake

A penis that is so damaged and brused that it splits down the middle and flops out on the table.
Jeremy, "Ohhh bruh me penis kills"
Tom, "let me take a look"
Jeremy, "okay"
Tom, "fucking hell i think u got a blue pancake"

Blue Pancakes

When a pair of tits have those huge veins/vein on them.
Blue Pancakes you can put it in my video

Blue Pancakes

a slang, kind of word, meaning a swollen vagina
A: Dude, that girl last night had blue pancakes!
B: Whoa, ewwwww....

blue pancake

a thing i ate one time
damn that blue pancake was good

Blue Pancake

The state of justingb2's asshole after smuggling drugs across the border then having a train rain on him by a bunch of angry orangutangs.
Damn what did you do to her last night? That ass looks like a blue pancake.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:47:19