

俚语 zucchinied


To be beyond the level of high that is catagorized as "Blasted".
*takes hit off 3rd bowl*
"Dude im really really fucked up"
" Dude your Zucchinied"


To be beyond the level of "Blasted" when refering to being high.
*takes hit off third bowl*
"Dude im fucked up"
"Duudee your zucchinied"


An arbitrarily chosen word used to refer to relationships with strong emotional bonds that fall outside of the typical romantic relationship but are more than just friendship.
"Are you guys dating!?"
"No, we're zucchinis."


Cousin of eggplant, more possible to eat.
Eat the zucchini lasagna or else


a vegetable, one of several that make for an excellent "penis". Available in various lengths and circumferences. Some have enticing "bumpies" on them for extra stimulation. Best washed and dried before use (who knows where they've been !) Similar to cucumbers, carrots, leeks. When she has to come home alone on Saturday night, she cozies up to her vegetable bin and chooses her mate from among the cucumbers, zuchini, carrots and leeks.
When she has to come home alone on Saturday night, she cozies up to her vegetable bin and chooses her mate from among the cucumbers, zuchini, carrots and leeks.


A phallic green squash-like vegetable developed from a cross between a cucumber and a tribble. Reproduces by taking control of the mind of the grower and forcing them to give away mass quantities of fruit to people who already have too much zucchini to begin with.
Oh, no, here she comes with another bag of zucchini! Lock the door before she sneaks it into the house!


In the italian speaking part of switzerland, a ironic way to describe the german speaking swiss.
Characterized by strange outfits, backpacking addiction and bizarre food habits.
Hey, Look at those zucchini with sandals and socks!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:43:05