

俚语 zumming


The act of using frozen fecal matter(poo) as a dildo or other sexual aid.
"Dude, me and my girlfriend froze some crap after our scat session last night and I'm gonna totally zum her tonight"

"Zumming is just sick man!"


When a bitch be givin' you head while you sleep!
I passed out drunk, when I woke up I was gettin Zum!

zum zum

Same as dum dum, but diminishing possible harshness to the recipient off this word.
Also sounds like it if you say dum dum fast and with a low accent.
ayymd fan #1: Intel's CEO is a zum zum
ayymd fan #2: I know right. Lisa Su is the best.


Definition 1: to kick someones ass

Definition 2: to have sex with someone and blast them, or well blow thier hole out
Definition 1: "I'm gonna zum on your ass if you don't get outta my way!"

Definition 2: "That gurl is sooo damn fine! I gonna try to zum that!"


A cross-breed between a yak and a cow.
They say the weight problem in America is like a Zum.

Chubby chasers love that Zum man.

That club was full of Zum's. They need to be gettin' that light brew going in tha batch.


Zum - just zum zum zum
Zum zum zum


Non binary parent, typically born female. A mix of Ze and mum
She doesn’t have 2 moms, she has a mom and a Zum!




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