A word to express your feelings in relation to the specific situation that you are in. The word can be either positive or negative depending on how it is said. It is most often used in a gay situation.
*Person grabs and/or slaps your butt*
response: Yo, that was so zygous!(negative)
*You win a track race epically*
Yo, that was so zygous!(positive)
response: Yo, that was so zygous!(negative)
*You win a track race epically*
Yo, that was so zygous!(positive)
another word for being a homosexual. Originating from the genome homozygous meaning two of the same alleles.
Did you see zygous over there
A huge aquatic beast, with a worm-shaped body, scaly skin, and the mouth resembling a demogorgon's. It is at the top of the food chain. Around 300 meters long in length, and 15 meters wide. When it's mouth is opened, it has a average span of 27 meters. Zygeese in plural. They vary in size. The largest Zygouse was recorded to be 700 meters long and 32 meters wide. They reproduce asexually, in 3 to 5 large eggs.
Not again! A Zygouse swallowed one of our cruise ships whole.
The baby Zygeese hatched from the eggs.
The baby Zygeese hatched from the eggs.