

俚语 ½ star hotel

½ star hotel

A hotel that is in such a dilapitated state that it isn't even one star, but half a star.
While driving to Montana, we stopped at this motel looking place along the side of the road. Turned out to be a ½ star hotel . There were cockroaches and rats running around, and instead of a TV they had a bumpkin come and dance outside the broken window for half an hour. And instead of a heater there was a bunch of candles. And instead of a bathroom there was a hole in the ground outside. For the breakfast buffet they had some cows outside and there was some wheat to eat. That was a ½ star hotel ya know. But overall it was pretty good for the 10 bucks we paid.

5 Star Hotel

When you shoot someone in fortnite and they build a massive structure.
Michael: I shot him!
Dylan: Bruh he's building a 5 Star Hotel

Pi Star Hotel

A three-star-plus hotel that is popular among lower-middle-class tourists, who want a free-and-easy experience, without being pressured to join local group tours to visit oft-spiritually unclean or demonic places of worship and retail shops (which promise to give a percentage of their profits to the tour guide).
The “fine” city of Singapore plans to build more pi star hotels in coming years to target travelers from emerging economies, who couldn’t afford to stay in a five-star hotel, yet wished to receive a perceived first-class visitors’ treatment.




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