

俚语 “the rise”


getting extremely emotional (in a good way) about a subject.
Joey: Hey, KT. We brought your favorite kind of ice cream from 31 Flavors. I heard you say it was fire.

KT: I'm rising. Bless you, Joey.


a london term for a person who can jump high. used in basketball
oscar got rise yo

i aint got no rise


To get someone emotionally upset, or to get them to acknowledge in a profound way what was said.
Last night I really got a rise out of Linda when I told her what her boyfriend had done.


1. To get the fuck up and move the hell on.

2. To tell someone else to get the fuck up and move the hell on.
1. Man, this party sucks. Let's rise.

2. I don't like you. Rise, bitch.


House, Flat, Crib, Pad, Place. Origin; High-Rise appartments, inner city or sub-urban residence.
'Im on my way, but i need to swing by my rise first"

"Were heading back to my rise"


When a guy gets turned on and shoots straight up
Last night, I felt Josh rise when I was giving him that lap dance.


Research in Science and Engineering program run by the German government for British and American students. People who go on RISE are called RISER's and form good friends. If a story or information is only told about to this group of friends, it has been RISE'd.
Tom: Let's have a RISE reunion. But I probably won't come co I have to work.
Ben: OK, I love all RISER's. Especially hairy ones.
Saleem: I RISE'd that story about my baby niece.
Paul: I'm ready to RISE again




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