

俚语 ♋️


The Zodiac Sign for people born between June 22 and July 22.

A Crab Symbol

A Water Sign
I am a ♋️


People with this zodiac, are amazing people to be with. There most likely to be the bad bitch in the group, But only when they need too. They have a good taste in fashion, but it could get expensive. They are rare people to find, so be looking!

The boys love to work on engineering things such as roads, trucks etc. They are most likely to be working for a fire department in the future, or work with a road company. They have a huge interest in old movies,and documentaries.
They love to spend time with the people they love. Their favorite foods consist of pizza, Steak, noodles, garlic bread, bread, barbecue chips, doritos, and soda. But they love to keep a balanced diet. so they dont forget to eat veggies. They think pepsi and come dont taste the same
Hey, did you know that ♋️ is so cool!


Sorry, but you have ♋️.


1) Cancer (all definitions)
2) 69 (all definitions)
Imma ♋️ you.


An alien believing, july birthday, outdoor loving skier
You are such a 👾♋️🏕🎿, mate




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:25:00