

俚语 bochs


Just straight up fucking retarted.
Man 1: I just killed your pod.
Man 2: Are you fucking Boch?


Slang term for a German
See also: Jerry and Kraut


(n): (1)Somebody that has a high horse personality and thinks they're the coolest in the crowd. Boches are the people easily found in your kitchen eating up everyting in your refridgerator everytime they come to visit.
Every time this boche comes to my house he is always eating my food!


1) a big dude whose goofy as hell, usually bochs are also refered to as bfgs.

2) they are pretty cool dudes with huge penis's.
"yo that look at that boch over there."
"man hes pretty cool."

"hey sara i heard u fucked that mike kid? how was it?"
"it was amazing hes a boch."


A greek lad
Boch, you're a stud.
Hey, there goes Boch
Boch, your PaPou called


A word used to describe a shitty situation or a shitty thing. Derived from Urban Canada.
ie. if yo woman's been two timin you, "Damn Cuz, daz botched up!"


An incredibly complex program that emulates an x86 (Pentium II) processor architecture computer. Useful for running software if your computer does not support it such as Windows 98 programs in a virtual PC running in Windows XP, or trying out linux if you can figure it out.
"Come on Windows 98, start up! Okay, finally!"




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