

俚语 bodisafa


A bodisafa is a rare species of guys that always want to have fun, they don't care what anyone thinks about them, and if someone starts something in public, the bodisafa and his friends will definitely end it, the bodisafa often makes the hard line for his friends, coke, but never heroin. The bodisafa is a monster at any and all party games, and often plays off his true ability to drink 4 bottles of whiskey, then run through a wall. The bodisafa cares about his surroundings, and will always notice when someone is down, and will pick them up again with a horrible imagine of the starving orphans in Bolivia, he is proficient in hand to hand combat. Only one bodisafa or bodhisattva can exist at a time, when such a time as two are in existence, they will instantly know everything about the other, and they will mix in gunfire in a small town in brazil, leaving one of them dead
Man1: who is that guy over by the keg? Man2: that guys a definite bodisafa, he's chugged 10 beers in the last 20 minutes




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:23:05