

俚语 bofo


Big old floppy one or big old fake ones. May be used to describe tits or dicks.
Man 1: Man she had some big tits.

Man 2: Yeah, those are some bofos!


(adj.) Acronym: Big Ol' Fat One

Used to describe something enormous or significant; pronounced "boffo".
1. Did you hear about those two congressmen who didn't get sworn in? Talk about a BOFO mistake!

2. Oh god, that hamster is BOFO! What are you feeding it?!


short for butt fucker
that kid is such a bofo


A dumb person
Girl this dude is a bofo.


Short for boyfriend- boy becomes bo and friend becomes fo.
Jake Gyllenhall is my bofo.

bofo while chumbling

to amass a large sum of money (bofo) with a bare minimum effort (chumbling)
Dudecel 1: boogie2988 really made 3 grand this week sitting on his fat ass and crying like a little bitch on stream

Dudecel: he caught a bofo while chumbling


A nickname used by a person who is built like kning pin from into the spider verse the name sounds like a zoo naming a obsese baby elephant who's humor is built of everyone else's is a terrible long term friend do not become friends or else he will abandon you like his dead beat father stay aways from an indavidual with this nickname stay away from them and do not speak a word to them they are the contrast to elias so do not be nice to this person or else you will end up like a child put in a dumpster!
eww it's bofo




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:35:29