

俚语 boid


to take the mik out of somone really bad
u've just been boid



Something that is broken or busted in nature.
That game is so boided.

I would play but that game but it is so boided I can't enjoy it.
The car is to boided to drive.


Slang for "Bird", usually used by one who has a horrible, stereotypical New Yorker accent.
"Hyuh! Dat boid kin really fly!"


Boid is an anagram for the phrase "blacked out in a ditch."

The last two letters can be substituted for any number of different things, such as boib or boor (blacked out in a bush and blacked out on a roof, respectively).
Bystander 1: Oh my God, look at that girl on the street.
Bystander 2: Holy shit, that bitch is BOID.


a term used to describe when someone has got "told" or had the mickey taken out of them.
a derivative from it is boidled/boydled.
someone shouts out: oi jack your mum has more chins than a chinese phonebook. then his friends shout out "ooohhh boid/boyd!!"

boid off

To boid someone off, means you mug them off, leave them with a poor arse excuse. Its unexceptable behaviour in all examples.
Fancy a curry n pint tonight, its just me u n simon again, adam will boid off. surprise surprise.

Boid Off

when some says something and another person just kisses there teeth of says whatever or gets aired
Guy 1: Whats up?
Guy 2: KTT (kiss their teeth)
Guy 3: you got boid off guy 1. lol




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