

俚语 boned dry

bone dry

Bone dry is a phrase commonly used to describe any person that is any of the following: twisted, wasted, high, fucked, trippin, shroomin, ripped, comatose, smashed and general retardedness of any non handicap persons. See also several advanced states including but not limited to; bonemotherfuckingdry, megabone, comabone and at times soberbone.
"Dude! You just fell on your face! Your bone dry!"

"Some bonemotherfuckingdry jackass forgot my shoes."

"Dude is Casey megabone already? We just got here!"

"I can't remember last night, I must have been comabone"

"Some soberbone guy just gave me to much change, lets get bone."

Bone Dry

A person, subject or situation which is dull, tiresome, boring, mundane - causing the sufferers to sigh, raise their heads to the sky, and wish they were anywhere else but here or with this person.
That meeting achieved nothing, it was pointless and wasted my life, it was bone dry.

Conversations with Jeffry are painful, he is bone dry.

My job is bone dry.

Bone Dry

Having ejaculated many times, to the point of discomfort or pain
Jenny got me bone dry last night

desert bone dry

an adjective typically used to describe a good dick sucking, usually refers to a really good one

it doesn't always have to mean a good thing, you can also use it when your friend says something stupid
zach, i am going to suck your shit DESERT BONE DRY, and then i'm gon fuck ya

Dry Bones

The most basic way to describe Dry Bones is a Zombie Koopa.
A better description is a skelaton Koopa that is extremly hard to kill and comes back to life if not killed in a certain way. There usually found in bowsers castle or underground
Mario jumps on a dry bones and walks away, before he makes it to the end of the screen the bones start to shake and BAM instant dry bones

dry bones

It is pretty much the skeletal remains of a turtle which debuted in super mario bros.3 which is reanimated and pretty much portrayed as a zombie. In the 90s, The apearances of Dry Bones was relatively low, and many people felt it was the end of the baddies era. However,in recent years and games, Dry Bones has been welcomed back into Mario games and not neccesarily as an enemy. He is a playable character in the newest Mario Party game (8). In fact, Dry bones is arguably the most popular character to play as in Mario Kart DS. DRY BONES IS THE SHIT!
You'll see,you fuckers.Dry Bones is going to be the new Coca-cola in town. billboards and advertisements everywhere portraying him.

Dry Bone

Getting a dry socket from oral sex.
No oral sex after wisdom teeth surgery, you dont wanna dry bone like your mom!




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