

俚语 boner vision

Boner Vision

When a man is blinded by the fact he might be able to have sex with a girl and convinces himself she is hot when she is obviously not.
Tyler "How the hell did I ever think she was hot?"
Me "Don't blame yourself, blame boner vision."

Boner Vision

The means by which normally unattractive members of the opposite sex become incredibly hot.

Similar to Beer Goggles, but without the consumption of alcohol.

Can lead to awkward situations through use of text messaging, phone calls or conversation when under it's effect.
Guy 1: Hey man, I cant believe you tried it on with Suzi, didn't her facial skin condition put you off!

Guy 2: Ugh, I know! Boner Vision really screwed me this time!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:40:51