

俚语 bong rips

bong rips

A noun that refers to the action of smoking from a bong. So named for the sound that air makes when it bubbles through the bong water.
Dude, don't take bong rips while I'm on the phone with my parents; they might hear you.

bong rips

smoking pot out of a bong
smitty is ripped he took like ten bong rips.

bong rips

A Bong that rips you in to pieces
Fuck man, you packed that up to shithouse, im so bong riped

bong rip

Noun - what one has taken when they smoke a dose of marijuana from a bong. See bong hit.
Tran took a bong rip before the job interview in order to calm his nerves.

Bong rips

The meaning of life, the reason why we do the things we do
We go to school so we can go home to take bong rips

Bong rip

When you sprinkle grinded up Marijuana on your boyfriends pubes and when he bust a nut, you suck on his dick while lighting his pubes on fire. Call that a bong rip.
Susan: "did you hear how Stephanie bong ripped her bf?"

Morgan: "oh my god yes!!"

Bong Rip

An extremely knowledgeable Marijuana activist who is determined to peacefully legalize its highly beneficial use and not make it a crime to heal from the most beneficial crop on Earth.
Morally Bankrupt Government: "I wish I could be man enough to legalize Marijuana, but I just want to piss off overly responsible citizens like Bong Rip just to spice America up, whatever that means."




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