

俚语 bonk gang

bonk gang

When you nae nae soneone. Usually said after stealing or breaking the rules.
Can I get one pack of gum?
Sure that will be 1.29$.
Bonk gang shit nigga!

bonk gang

a crazy ass nigga who runs around sayin"bonk gang"
and steals peoples food and shit
its a whole lotta gang shit no wha im sayin"bonk gang nigga"

Bonk gang

a tight group of friends/ family usually started though a group chat.
Dude bonk gang had a party without me

bonk gang

a group of people who will whip and nae nae on you after stealing your lunch money
“the bonk gang just stole all my money” “i just got dabbed on by the bonk gang”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:44:41