

俚语 boob lube

boob lube

Ky jelly deposited on the boob by an erect penis in the process of mounting.
One hot lady discovered boob lube, while mounting a verile young man.

boob lube

breast milk
I got bored with my friend Mark and we decided to drink some boob lube for kicks.

boob lube

1) drool from a sleeping or catatonic woman's mouth that has trickled down to her breasts, therefore lubing them
Ever slip a chick a tranquilizer? She's so passed out she has boob lube all over her titties in about 2 minutes!

Boob lube

The art of taking the condom off after sex and rubbing it on a girls boobs
Person 1:So how was the date?
Person 2: Good, she let me do the boob lube.

Holy boob lube

1. When a woman massages moisturizer on her breasts.

2. An expression of disblief, surprise or confusion.
"Bet that woman puts on holy boob lube. Her breasts are shiny!"

"Holy boob lube! Did you catch the scoop on that man?"
Raven asks.

The officer nodded, "Sure did. We'll look farther into the investigation, later on in the week.

Holy Boob lube

1. When a woman massages moisturizer on her breasts.

2. An expression of disblief, surprise or confusion.
"Holy boob lube! Did you get the scoop on that man?"

Raven asks.

The officer nodded, "Sure did. We'll look farther into the investigation, later on in the week.

Boob lube

When your boobs sweat tremendously
I sat on my porch for 6 minutes it was so hot I was covered in boob lube the sweat was ungodly. Thanks arkansas!




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